Under the patronage of H.H Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of The Supreme Committee for Information and Communication Technology (SCICT), the winners of the eGovernment Excellence Award 2017 were awarded.
eGovernment Excellence Award Booklet 2017
Government Awards Winners |
Best eGovernment Website Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Ministry of Works, Municipalities & Urban Planning
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Interior
Winner: Ministry of Health
Project: Ministry of Health website
Since the inception of its website, the Ministry of Health has aimed at a minimalistic design concept with the most relevant information and data provided to its users. The content of the website is framed to ensure positive contribution to both patients and non-patients; it also clearly indicates the provided online services that can be utilized by the right set of users. All day-to-day content is updated by accessing a secured page with some credentials and levels of permissions. Static content is updated by content committees in regular basis to ensure validity of information. Social media integration such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are a big web part in the home page and retrieves the social accounts feeds. The main page has a main image slider used for announcement purposes and is usually linked to other pages. Additionally, video tutorials are available for the eServices. The ministry is vastly investing in ensuring the quality, integrity and objectivity of the published content in the website. The website goes through a regular quality assessment process to ensure improvement of portal’s quality, that the portal complies with web standards, improvement in accessibility and usability of the portal as well as increase in efficiency of portal functionalities.
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Best Government-To-Government eService (G2G) Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Electricity & Water Authority
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Interior
Winner: Ministry of Interior
Project: Kafala
Kafala is a set of seven eServices developed to integrate three government entities and three IT systems. These entities involve the Ministry of Interior, Public Prosecution and the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs & Awqaf. The online services include facilities related to Verdict, Bail payments, Notification, Acknowledgement, Hearing, Blacklist (checking whether the accuser is blacklisted or not) and SMS service.
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Best Practice in Community eParticipation Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Ministry of Youth & Sport Affairs
- Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities
- Ministry of Works, Municipalities & Urban Planning
Winner: Ministry of Works, Municipalities & Urban Planning
Project: MWMUP’S Practice in Community eParticipation
Through bilateral interaction between the ministry and society - when exchanging comments and feedback, the ministry seeks to achieve online societal partnerships. As for the mechanism used to manage social media networks, the ministry detects all comments published on the different social media channels on a daily basis and communicates with the applicant on the same day; based on the importance of the comments. Additionally, the ministry publishes news related to projects and achievements on all social media channels, supported with info-graphics, charts and videos. Without outsourcing, the ministry aim to achieve best results using minimal technical, human and financial resources to monitor ministry’s social media channels and prepare videos, photos, montages as well as info-graphics. Moreover, it prepares promotional videos for the ministry’s services, including methods of using or submitting an application. It has also recently promoted the National Suggestions & Complaints System ‘Tawasul’ by re-Tweeting of eGovernment videos.
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Best eGovernment Integrated Services for Individuals or Businesses Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- University Of Bahrain
- Ministry Of Health
- Ministry Of Justice & Islamic Affairs
Winner: Ministry of Justice & Islamic Affairs
Project: Judgment Enforcement Eservice
The Project of the Execution Directorate was a collaborated effort between Ministry of Justice (MOJ), iGA and the Supreme Judicial Council. It created complete transformation within the internal procedures by shifting towards customer services concept and applying the single window concept - while developing the current information systems to serve enhanced procedures contributed in speeding interaction amongst internal departments side-by-side with judges; these government bodies assist in executing judgments. The project’s main objectives include enhancement of execution procedures to achieve elimination for exchange of paper court files, delivery of executive related services via various online channels, increase effectiveness of the information systems in facilitating internal procedures, exchanging and integrating data amongst courts and execution directorates as well as improving correspondence processes between the Execution Directorate and external entities that support in the execution of verdicts. Others comprise delivering the SMS service to applicants regarding the status of court execution files together with providing inquiry services of court files as well as status of related requests via various online channels. It is vital for information systems to enable the judge with full access of accurate information at any time – such access leads judges to take the right decisions and enable swift completion of executing judicial provisions.
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Multi Sector Winners |
Best Application for Smart Devices Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Ministry of Transportation & Telecommunications
- Electricity & Water Authority
- Ministry Of Education
Winner: Ministry of Transportation & Telecommunications
Project: Bahrain Weather Mobile App
Supported on both iOS and Android platforms, Bahrain Weather mobile application provides an informative service by delivering up-to-date local and international weather as well as other related information by utilizing the services and resources of the ministry’s Meteorological Directorate. Distinguishing it from other weather apps, it provides localized information using the weather stations located throughout the country, ability to obtain information based on user’s location as well as interactive Satellite and Radar maps showing graphical data related to the weather status. The Radar shows the precipitation, rain intensity and clouds on the map using Gulf, European and American radars. Push notifications for severe weather alerts are also provided to fully prepare the public of extreme weather conditions. The app also provides information on sea tides.
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Best Application for Smart Devices Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Takaful International Co. Bsc
- Malaeb Online Services
- Zain Bahrain
Winner: Takaful International Co. Bsc
Project: Smart Takaful
Description ‘Smart Takaful’ is an easy-to-use mobile application with added value services that make insurance simpler and more enjoyable. Its services comprise insuring users and with a touch of a button can issue travel as well as motor policies, obtain fire and home insurance quotations, renew existing motor policies, receive renewal notification reminders, view policies and status, attain motor digital card in English and Arabic, save the digital cards to user’s device, obtain the claim number immediately through the app, check claim status, receive claim update notification, obtain road assistance support as well as send geo-location to service providers by obtaining their support. Furthermore, obtaining information about company’s products, requesting for a call at user’s convenient date and time to receive more information about products, showing all Takaful Centers with their timings and map directions as well as acquiring all motor agencies contact details with their map directions.
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Citizens Sector |
Best eConcept Award
Winner: Batool Yousif Sabt
Project: Automation of Bahrain Driving School System
With the large number of Bahrain Driving School applicants that exceeds 70,000 yearly; Bahrain Driving School (BDS) still practices semi-manual system to provide all licensing services, starting from applying for learner’s license to booking a practical exam where all of the processes require physical attendance and waiting in queues in order to deliver some documents to BDS officers. In addition, the current system of BDS does not provide any direct communication or a booking method between the trainees and instructors - this causes a great deal of confusion and time. The new system will provide a web based solution to deliver all licensing services online which can be easily accessible 24/7. The new system reduces staff productivity and expenses, eliminates paperusage, decreases time and effort and more importantly moves applicants from physical queues to online mode towards Bahrain Economic Vision 2030. The project develops a web-based solution for the General Directorate of Traffic to provide a remote access for BDS services allowing individuals to register for license permits, search for an instructor, book a practical lesson and electronically apply for practical exam, where all payments can be completed confidentiality through secure ePayment gateways. This product enables individuals to become easily and remotely enrolled in the driving school - obtaining their driving licenses effortlessly through online services and ePayment gateways.
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Best eConcept Award
Winner: Mazin Alnoaimi
Project: Deaf Translate Booth
The mobile application is a platform that reads through sensors of hands, body and face movements - following the gestures and facial expressions of deaf persons to understand and recognize their needs. The app is developed with the help of two screens, one for the deaf individual and the other for the help desk assistant, to assist the user by converting sign language into verbal Arabic and vise-versa through the utilization of 3D Avatar.
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Best eConcept Award
Winner: Fatima Said Mustafa Alhalli
Project: Gamification of eGovernment System
The proposal is about incorporating certain elements of games into users profiles to encourage friendly competition and enable users to track their own progress over time as well as become rewarded based on their holistic and accumulative level of engagement with the eGovernment program. This will certainly enhance users’ personal experience by making it more interesting, attracting, satisfying and worth doing; which will ultimately encourage them to regularly visit the eGovernment portal and interact actively with its services. These elements include challenges, points, levels, badges, feedback messages, leaderboard, surprises and rewards, activity archive, notifications together with sharing of achievements on social media.
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Best eCitizen Award |
Winner: Sayed Kadhem Mohsen Fadhel
Highest number of transactions conducted through the eGovernment portal during one year.
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Winner: Abdulwahed Mohamed Faqeeh
Highest number of payments conducted through the eGovernment portal during one year.
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